
The 46th International Child Phonology Conference (ICPC 2025) will be held between 28-30 May 2025, at the Department of Applied Linguistics and Phonetics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary.
Since its early informal gatherings in the Midwest of the US dating back to 1976, the International Child Phonology Conference has a long history of hosting research on all aspects of child phonological development and phonological disorders (speech sound disorders).
ICPC 2025 welcomes proposals for oral and/or poster presentations on all aspects of children's speech sound development and use in typical and atypical contexts in monolingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism, early second language acquisition, and dialects. Work on indigenous, minority, and under-researched languages is also encouraged.
The conference has always supported a multi- and inter-disciplinary approach across phonology, phonetics, interfaces with other grammatical levels, speech production, speech perception, psycholinguistics, clinical linguistics, sign language phonology, computational modelling, educational approaches, and the application of new technologies.
Theoretical, empirical, experimental, and clinical contributions are welcome.
The spirit of ICPC has traditionally been informal, friendly, collegial and supportive. All presentations receive equitable and maximal exposure as there are no keynote talks and no parallel sessions.